Buzz Feed Black Panther Would You Rather

I like BuzzFeed, and lawd knows I've spent endless hours watching their videos on Facebook. But they are not strangers to controversy about their content, with accusations of plagiarism, or just plain old ignorance. They scrape content with the best of them sometimes. However, the company has redefined how we curate content and how to scale so now they are one of the big 10 in delivering news and information we consume online.

BuzzFeed has been expanding rapidly, so now they have BuzzFeed Motion Pictures, which churns out videos daily. To their credit, many of their videos are brilliant. They seem committed to amplifying progressive thought, normalizing the presence of marginalized people and elevating conversation beyond the usual.

But they failed on one of their latest videos.

Buzzfeed Presents Trash

The disconnect of this video from their other ones seems so wide that I wonder if they just forgot the point of the other things they've done. Where other videos they created were thoughtful, nuanced and smart, this one was foolish, trite and a waste of time.

Their "27 Questions Black People Have For Black People" video was garbage and you might think I am exaggerating until you watch it..

You can watch here:

Pure basura (oxymoronic, but go along with me). These low hanging fruit ass, no thought behind them ass, tired ass, trope ass questions, though. It's like the team who came up with the script asked Uncle Ruckus to guest produce. How many stereotypes can you fit in a 3 minute video? AT LEAST 27!

Some of these questions were so bad that I cussed out loud when I heard them. By "some" I mean "most."

"Why are we more likely to get involved in a new dance trend than we are to get involved in politics or open a new business?"


"Why do we call each other the n-word but then get vehemently upset when a white person uses the n-word?"

NIGGA LISTEN. I can't even.

"Do you really believe that Black is beautiful or is that just something you say because it sounds good?"

FIRST OF ALL COMMA BITCH COMMA. You cannot be serious. How much did you get paid to utter this utter trash? How fucking dare you, girl in amazing lipstick??? Your Black is beautiful but what isn't is your UGLASS questioning.

"Why do you protest Black Lives Matter and then tear each other down in the next breath?"


"Is there a cutoff time for this whole homophobia thing in the Black community?"

"Why is growing up without a father so common in our race?"

Angry Tom gif

"Why is being educated considered a white thing?"


What I'm not gonna do is give responses to each of these questions, because there are logical answers to every one of them. They didn't ask these questions to actually have discussions. They did it because maybe they really needed to put out a video. Or maybe someone wrote the script, handed it to them and they were the mouth breathers who accepted the mission. Or maybe they really believe that these questions are valid to ask and put out for millions of people to hear.

All I know is that I wanted to jump through the screen and give everyone involved a papercut. I'm so embarrassed for each and every one of them. I am appalled for them, because whatever they got paid to do this, it was not worth it. Congratulations to all of them for Uncle Tomming all up through that video.

I'm not even gon talk about how his goatee is straggly or why homegirl's smokey eye looks like raccoon chic because that is not the point here and I'm trying to be less petty in 2016. Or the one with dry hair. You know the one(s).

Fuck You And Eyebrows gif

Every one of the people in this video come across as people who are trying to let white people know that "I love my people but I'm not like many of them" is a defining core value in their lives. What the world needs LESS of are Black people who are NOT unabashedly proud to be Black. What we need less of are new negros who love seeing themselves as exceptions to the rule.

BuzzFeed Videos completely played themselves with this for dumbing down the conversation.

I, along with every Smart Black Person Who Writes Online, has friends who work at BuzzFeed. But this is BuzzFeed Motion Pictures. The giant BF is a large company with many divisions and arms that don't always talk. I'm sure folks are having to be all "that ain't me" today. Either way, this still gotta be tough for them to swallow.

This is just the worst. Who taught all these people in the video to hate themselves???


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