13 Signs You May Have Termites

13 Signs Y'all May Have Termites

  • June 24, 2019
  • in Pest Control
  • by
  • 319

Termites are very small yet very powerful creatures that can consume 24-7. If non stopped, they can cause serious damage to homes without giving whatsoever sign. The estimated economical damage caused by termites is around $336 billion per year worldwide. In Australia alone, the damage is estimated to more than 100 meg dollars. It is necessary to regularly check for these 13 signs you may have termites, especially if you heard nearly infested homes in your neighbourhood. The earlier y'all observe them, the better it will be for your family.

Now let's take a look at the almost mutual signs of termites:

1. Y'all Hear Clicking Noises or Head Banging

And by caput banging we don't mean your ain caput, but those of the insects. The soldier termites are banging their heads against the wood or shake their bodies to point danger to the others in the colony.

The worker termites, which are the one eating your home are making quite some noise when doing it. If you put your head shut to a wood infested by termites, you will hear them.

And if yous like to listen to stone music out loud, the termites will eat even more than. A report shown that when played a stone song, termites ate wood two times faster.

They are sensitive creatures and can detect vibrations and noises through their antennas and legs. Information technology is fifty-fifty thought that termites can detect the size of a piece of wood by using vibrations to measure out it.

2. You Run into Flying Termites or Termite Wings

This is one of the offset signs of termites, as these flying insects are the ones who exit the nest in order to notice a mate and establish a new colony. Some species are flying at night, while others during the mean solar day, but most of them like to fly after a rain, in certain moments of the year.

13 Signs You May Have Termites

Later they observe a mate, the flying termites get rid of their wings. A male and a female person will detect a proficient nesting place and then will start mating. They will take care of the little ones until at that place are enough workers to accept over. The so-called king and queen tin can constitute a huge colony and tin can live happily ever after for 10 years or more. So if y'all see minor wings around your dwelling house, it can be a sign of termite infestation.

3. You Encounter White Coloured Ants

Ants and termites take lots of similarities, and many people are confusing them. Only they also have differences. For example, termites are white or translucent and their antennas are straight. Those of ants are aptitude.

Termites likewise have a thicker waist department, while ants accept it narrow. Did you know that in that location are flight ants as well? Their front wings are larger than the back wings, while those of termites have both the aforementioned size.

The conclusion is that there are no white ants. So if y'all saw an insect that resembles a white pismire, it was probably a termite and your abode might exist infested. You demand to accept action right away!

4. The Timber Sounds Hollow or You See Minor Holes in The Forest

In social club to exist invisible and not testify any signs of their activity, the termites are eating the wood from the inside out. So equally they are eating it without you to notice, they are creating hollow galleries underneath the surface.
If you knock or tap and it sounds hollow, you may have a large problem. Many people are discovering that they have termites when accidentally pressing a finger on a door or wooden surface area. Since everything is eaten from the inside and there is just a thin external layer left, the finger simply goes through.

The termites still demand a manner to go to the forest, and then they are drilling tiny holes. This could be another sign of infestation.

5. The Doors and Windows are Hard to Open up and Close

When termites are eating and tunnelling through a door or a window frame, they are creating moisture. This causes the woods to modify its shape, thus making it more than hard to open and close the window/door.

6. At that place are Mud Leads or Shelter Tubes

Subterranean species of termites are edifice such tubes for extra protection and moisture. They are made of mud and termite droppings and usually announced in basements, subfloors and exterior walls, even in cupboards of your abode termite can build mud leads or shelter tubes. Luckily, they are easy to spot and you should take activity every bit presently every bit you see them see.

Watch our video: Termites Found Inside Garage Cupboard of Home

7. The Power Fails

Termites mostly eat wood, but if needed, they tin can feed on just nigh anything that comes their style. This includes underground telephone wires, ability wires and cables.

If short circuits occur on a regular basis without any apparent reason, termites might be the ones to blame. Non but this, but subterranean termites might make full the sockets with mud for protecting themselves.

Getting in contact with these wet sockets tin can be a hazard and can cause electrical shocks.

eight. You Notice Tunnels in Wood

While these tunnels are difficult to spot from the outside, yous might randomly find them in a piece of broken timber. At that place are now diverse types of technology available that can detect such tunnels (borescopes, microwaves, infrared detectors, X-rays), and we tin definitely aid you with that.

9. You Find Termite Debris

Besides known as frass, this can be a good detector of termite infestation, in particular, drywood termites. Unlike their subterranean relatives who are using their own faeces to build tunnels, the drywood termites are pushing them exterior, through pocket-size holes.

So if you lot notice black spots or a nighttime powdery substance around your home, information technology's time for an inspection.

10. The Floors, Walls or Ceiling Are Damaged

Every bit mentioned before, termites tin can feed on anything that comes in their path. This includes laminated floors, skirting boards, internal walls, wooden ceilings, beams, architraves and rafters.

If you detect sags or blisters in the floor, cracks in internal walls or damaged ceilings, so at that place is a high possibility of termite infection.

11. The Foundation Is Damaged

Virtually foundations are now fabricated of concrete and luckily termites do not feed with it. All the same they can still observe small cracks that let them to proceeds access to flooring joists which are made of forest.

Homes with cracks are at a higher risk of being attacked past termites, every bit well as old homes with a wooden foundation.

12. Your Garden Is Damaged

Finding termites in your garden may be a adept affair, as they may non go to your firm simply all the same. They tin can feed and damage timber decking and wooden fences, equally well as trees.

thirteen. Roof Tiles Are Damaged

Loose or broken roof tiles may cause moisture, which may attract termites, allowing them to enter the dwelling house. Once they are in, they can attack and destroy plenty of wood surfaces.

But this tin be prevented if they are stopped in fourth dimension. So make sure to rapidly replace whatsoever damaged roof tiles.


Now you lot know the 13 signs you may have termites. Even though they are quite pests that similar to destroy in silence, in that location are plenty of clues that may show their presence. It's important to exist careful at all of these sings and to take activeness immediately.

Inspect Your Home Regularly and Have Action Now

You may inspect your home on your ain, but you nonetheless need the assist of an skillful. Safeguard Pest Control is a family unit-owned and operated visitor that has been operating since 1989. Nosotros have extensive knowledge and experience in this field and can provide y'all with professional results.

Our services have high standards and we offer pest solutions to residential, commercial and corporate areas, hospitals and schools. We are using the latest engineering, in order to offering keen results with no impact on your wellness or that of the environment.

We volition brainstorm by carefully inspecting your property, looking for whatever signs of termites and finding their nest. Depending on how bad the infestation is and on the particularities of your own home, nosotros will come with an activity plan in order to eliminate them.

We take a wide range of treatment options, that adapt all types of homes and all budgets. Our employees are highly trained and skilled and licensed to perform inspections and treatments. They will also advise you lot of any open access points where termites might enter in the time to come, so you tin prevent their reappearance.

Early detection can save you a lot of coin, so information technology'due south better to act at present than to be sorry later on. Book your Safeguard Termite Inspection now by calling 07 5477 6675 or emailing info@safeguardpestcontrol.com.au and let us to protect your greatest asset, your domicile.

  • Signs of termites
  • Termite Prevention
  • Termite treatment
  • Termites